Principal Investigator

Fangqing Zhao


Fangqing Zhao, Professor and principal investigator. He has successively received the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars of China (2017), Beijing NSF Outstanding Scholarship Award (2018), National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (2020), and was appointed as a Distinguished Professor by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2022. He currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Research Department of BIOLS and Director of the Genomic Informatics Branch of the Chinese Society of Bioinformatics. Dr. Zhao is mainly devoted to establishing efficient algorithm models and experimental techniques, exploring the composition and dynamics of the human microbiome and non-coding RNA, with the aim of deciphering their relationships with human health and disease. He has served as Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member for more than 10 academic journals, including Briefings in Bioinformatics, Science Bulletin, Science China Life Sciences, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, mLife, etc.
 Dr. Zhao has published more than 80 corresponding author papers in journals such as Cell, Gut, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Nature Computational Science, and Nature Communications. His papers have been cited over 12,000 times (H-index 50), with more than ten papers being recognized as highly cited according to ESI. He has received the "Outstanding Supervisor Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" for six consecutive years (2017 to 2023), and twice received the "Lingyan Award of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences", the "Zhu Liyuehua Outstanding Teacher Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences," and the "BHP Outstanding Mentor Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences." He has mentored seven graduate students who have received the "President's Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" and the "Outstanding Doctoral Thesis of the Chinese Academy of Sciences." Currently, he is responsible for projects such as the Chief Scientist of the National Key R&D Program, the National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars and Key Projects.

赵方庆,研究员,博士生导师。先后获得基金委优青(2017)、北京杰青(2018)、国家杰青(2020)和中科院特聘研究员(2022)。现任中科院北京生科院科研部副主任、技术平台主任、中国生物信息学会基因组信息学分会主任。在 Briefings in BioinformaticsScience BulletinScience China Life SciencesGenomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 等国际学术刊物担任副主编或编委。主要致力于建立高效的算法模型和实验技术,探索人体微生物与非编码RNA的结构组成与变化规律,以期解析它们与人类健康和疾病的关系。在 CellGutNature BiotechnologyNature MethodsNature Computational ScienceNature Communications 等刊物上发表通讯作者论文80余篇,平均影响因子超过18;论文总引用次数超过1.2万次(H-inde 50),其中十余篇入选ESI高被引论文;连续6年荣获“中国科学院优秀导师奖”(2017~2023),2次获得“中国科学院大学领雁奖章”、“中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖”、“中国科学院大学必和必拓导师奖”;培养的研究生已有7人次获得“中科院院长奖”和“中科院优博论文”。现承担国家重点研发计划首席科学家、基金委杰青和重点项目、军委科技委基础加强计划首席科学家等项目。


Peifeng Ji (冀培丰)

Associate researcher, Noncoding RNA & Computational biology

Jinyang Zhang (张金阳)

Associate researcher, Noncoding RNA & Computational biology

Zhenqiang Zuo (左振强)

Assistant researcher, Human microbiome & Metagenomics

Postdoctoral Fellows

Junjie Zhu (朱俊杰)

Single-cell multi-omics

Beiyu Hu (胡倍瑜)

Droplet microfluidics

Liwen Xiao (肖力文)

Human microbiome & Metagenomics

Bing Zhang (张冰)

Human microbiome & Metagenomic

Graduate Students

Ruiqiao He (何睿乔)

Ph.D. student, Bioinformatics

Ning Wang (王宁)

Ph.D. student, Human microbiome & Metagenomics

Kun Pang (庞琨)

Ph.D. student, Bioinformatics

Zhengyi Cai (蔡郑依)

Ph.D. student, Noncoding RNA

Tianlong Zhou (周天龙)

Ph.D. student, Human microbiome & Metagenomics

Henan Zhao (赵赫男)

Master student, Human microbiome & Metagenomics

Tianxin Liu (刘天鑫)

Master student, Single-cell multi-omics

Tian Zhou (周田)

Master student, Human microbiome & Metagenomics

Han Dong (董涵)

Master student, Noncoding RNA & Computational biology

Zewen Jiang (姜泽汶)

Master student, Single-cell multi-omics

Huihao Wang (王惠好)

Master student, Bioinformatics

Wenzhuo Zhu (朱文卓)

Master student, Noncoding RNA & Computational biology

Lin Ma (马林)

Master student, Noncoding RNA & Computational biology

Yongsheng Gao (高永胜)

Master student, Noncoding RNA & Computational biology

Ge Liu (刘格)

Master student, Bioinformatics

Shaojing Zhang (张少靖)

Master student, Bioinformatics

Yankai Liu (刘颜恺)

Master student, Bioinformatics

Xinxin Wang (王欣欣)

Master student, Bioinformatics

Guest Students

Lifeng Du (杜立锋)

Ph.D. student, Tick genome & Metagenomics

Wenbing Chen (陈文兵)

Ph.D. student, Evolutionary genomics


Xiaofei Cao (曹晓菲)

Ph.D., Noncoding RNA

Xia Wu (吴霞)

M.S., Systems biology

Huimin Fan (樊洄敏)

M.S., Bioinformatics

Zhanzhan Li (李占占)

Ph.D., Human microbiome & metagenomics

Wanying Wu (吴婉莹)

Ph.D., Noncoding RNA

Shuai Chen (陈帅)

Ph.D., Noncoding RNA

Fengyi Zhang (张丰驿)

M.S., Human microbiome & metagenomics

Baichuan Xiao (肖百川)

M.S., Deep learning & metagenomics

Lina Hou (侯丽娜)

M.S., Evolutionary genomincs

Xiuling Ma (马秀伶)

M.S., Human microbiome & metagenomics

Jingwen Yang (杨静雯)

M.S., Noncoding RNA

Changling Zuo (左昌龄)

M.S., Evolutionary genomincs

Yi Zheng (郑毅)

Ph.D., Noncoding RNA

Lin Zhou (周琳)

Ph.D., Bioinformatics

Wenyu Shi (史文聿)

Ph.D., Bioinformatics

Gongxin Peng (彭公信)

Ph.D., Bioinformatics

Yuan Gao (高远)

Ph.D., Bioinformatics

Hui Zhao (赵辉)

M.S., Bioinformatics

Huiyue Zhou (周慧玥)

M.S., Bioinformatics


Miao Miao (苗苗)

Molecular evolutionary biology

Jinfeng Wang (王金锋)

Human microbiome

Yuan Gao (高远)

Bioinformatics & Genomics

Lingling Hou (侯玲玲)

High-throughput sequencing