

Bacillus (Latin 'stick') is a genus of Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria, a member of the phylum Bacillota, with 266 named species. The term is also used to describe the shape (rod) of other so-shaped bacteria; and the plural Bacilli is the name of the class of bacteria to which this genus belongs. Bacillus species can be either obligate aerobes which are dependent on oxygen, or facultative anaerobes which can survive in the absence of oxygen. Cultured Bacillus species test positive for the enzyme catalase if oxygen has been used or is present.

( From Wikipedia )

( Further Information: Wikipedia, ScienceDirect )

img of the genus
Under the microscope: Bacillus

Statistics (infant microbial samples)

Statistics (mother microbial samples)

Samples in MAMI

Samples containing Bacillus

External info from gutMDisoder

Host phenotypes associated with Bacillus aged 0-12 years

Links (further search of Bacillus)