

Leuconostocs are traditionally found in association with plant matter, fermenting vegetables, milk, dairy products, and wines and meats. Leuconostocs were first isolated in 1878 by Cienkowski. Leuconostoc usually nonpathogenic acid-tolerant organisms with optimal temperature 18 and 25°C, but the group is quite diverse. For example, L. carnosum is an anaerobic bacterium found in spoiled, packaged meat. Optimal temperature for the organism is 2°C. L. carnosum able to inhibit growth of other (even closely related) bacteria. So, it may be used as biopreservative. Leuconostoc in general is important to fermentation of vegetables.

( From MicrobeWiki )

( Further Information: Wikipedia, ScienceDirect )

img of the genus
Under the microscope: Leuconostoc

Statistics (infant microbial samples)

Statistics (mother microbial samples)

Samples in MAMI

Samples containing Leuconostoc

External info from gutMDisoder

Host phenotypes associated with Leuconostoc aged 0-12 years

Links (further search of Leuconostoc)